Wednesday, December 22, 2010

19th December

Black Russion (I think)
Costata Romonesco Zucchin

Sunshine squash
Despite cool and damp days I found a ripe tomato in the garden (not this particular one).  We think it was Black Russian.  It tasted lovely.

 I thought I was saving one zucchini for seed, but as is the way I found more than one over grown.

The Sunshine squash are pretty to look at and tasted nice when baked whole.  The skin is thin enough to eat.  Unfortunately the cool, rainy weather is causing blossom end rot in the zucchini and squash.

Small beans can be seen in the grape vine where the beans have intertwined with everything else.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

2nd December 2010

Zucchini,  freckle lettuce, greens beetroot, yams and more.

The squash is taking off

The strawberry bed is really a borage bed.
 Rain, rain and more rain.  It's years since we have seen anything like this.  I have picked some strawberries in the last week.  Today I picked the first seven raspberries.  We are eating the zucchini.  I had to cut some plants/vines back a bit tonight.  We have been eating lots of freckle lettuce.  The  chooks have had plenty of greens.  Bloody mozzies.
tomatoes and everything else out of control

It's a jungle and a sun  flower

Beans tangled in grape vine in tomotoes 

Cos seedings

freckle lettuce


Lebanese Zucchini