On the weekend I planted out cherry tomato seedlings. These are in the wicking bed and in the raspberry bed. I also planted out my beans in toilet rolls. Some were already sprouted, others had root growth. Time will tell if this method of seed raising helps stops the predators including the earwigs. I lost all my bean seedlings to bugs last year.
Collards, Freckles lettuce, butter bean Cheroke Wax, Tommy Toe tomato, Blue Lake green beans all from Phoenix Seeds, were planted out. Red Russian kale (Pam), comfrey from Green Harvest were planted out. Ginger from green harvest was planted. Siberian Tomatoe seedlings New Gippsland Seeds were potted on. The lettuce was planted in wicking boxes and squeezed in around the two garden beds. The bean seedlings were planted int the strawberry bed and at the base of a tipi in the big vegie bed. Butter bean seeds were also planted at the back of the big bed. Some beetroot seeds were planted along the edge of the wicking bed near the gate.
I love pottering in the garden. Unfortunately I'm always forgetting what I planted and where. This is an attempt to remember what seeds are lurking below the ground and what varieties are growing above.