Today is St Pats day. What I learnt from being in my friend's garden and my own:
My friend has tomatoes in abundance. Mine were a failure. I blame harlequin bugs and my own poor management.
I should plant sweet peas today. So I went to Wombat Gully, bought 2 packs of seeds and planted them.
I did not have space for the sweet peas so I harvested some of the Jeresaleum Artichokes that were in brilliant flower.
This weekend I will now make JA soup. Preferably on Saturday, so I can stay away from folk on Sunday.
Our raspberries fruit in Autumn and they taste good.
Cherry Guavas taste as good as they say. So it will be back to Birregurra in the future to buy more plants.
Our passion fruit are ripe. I have not tasted any yet.
I purchased some silverbeet seedlings and what I thought was spring onions. When I got home I discovered they were real onions called 'Sweet Gold'. I don't really have room for these onions.
I pulled out the old, gone to seed but not producing much silverbeet from the front round garden. I discovered the bulbs are coming up and there were small silverbeet seedlings coming up too.
Bloody birds are digging up my broccoli seedlings I planted in the big bed last weekend. Freakin predators.
Harliquin beetles will die a miserable death when I get around to finally clearing them up.
Beans are us. The purple ones produce more prolifically than the Blue Lake. They love going in the strawberry bed and up over the chook run.
The strawberry plants are addicted to running.
I love pottering in the garden. Unfortunately I'm always forgetting what I planted and where. This is an attempt to remember what seeds are lurking below the ground and what varieties are growing above.